We have many kids to choose from!

The Lozier Family Kiko Ranch

Breeder of Michigan's most Majestic Kiko's

Jenna/Phoenix Girl


Goat , Kiko , Kid (female) |Red/Brown w/blk points

DOB: 12/28/2023

Sire: Freya/Bandit "Phoenix"

6/15/24 - Auction

Freya/Bandit "Phoenix"

Kiko Buck (male) Red and white

DOB: 2/21/20223 yrs
8.4# Twin Michigan Majestic Kikos
  | Red and white
Dam: LFR Jenna

Registered Purebred

LFR Jenna

Kiko Doe (female) White

NKR# N21F 0005LFR4 DOB: 2/19/20214 yrs
Twin, birth weight 6.6# (Mom has *extra teat) 9/11/22 Bred to SAMSON 10/29/22 Ultrasound confirmed 1/8/23 CD/T 2/8/23 Kidded Single 6.3# Doeling (Emma *extra teat) 8/2/23 Bred to PHOENIX Ultrasound Confirmed 9/24/23 11/28/23 CD/T (DUE date 12/28/23) 6.1# blue roan Boy 6.8# red/brown Girl
  | NKR# N21F 0005LFR4 | White
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6.8# Twin
30 day wt 13#
1st CD/T 2/10/24
2nd CD/T 3/9/24

Updated 5/25/2024