We have many kids to choose from!

The Lozier Family Kiko Ranch

Breeder of Michigan's most Majestic Kiko's

Izzibelle/Winchester 7.7# Boy

Registerable Purebred - ADG .38

Goat , Kiko , Kid (male) |Black/White

DOB: 2/19/2023

Sire: Bandit's "Winchester"

#31 PB (spots & wattles) - Bandit

Bandit's "Winchester"

Kiko Buck (male) Tri-colored w/spots

DOB: 2/17/20223 yrs
7.8# Twin with wattles and spots/patches 30 day wt. 19# UTD on CD/T
  | Tri-colored w/spots
Dam: LFR Izzibelle

#11 PB (wattles) - Elvis Daughter

LFR Izzibelle

Kiko Doe (female) White

NKR# N21F0011LFR9 DOB: 3/18/20213 yrs
bw 8.9# twin (wattles) Bred to WINCHESTER 9/23/22 10/29/22 Ultrasound - unclear 11/6/22 Ultrasound confirmed - due 2/20/23 2/19/23 kidded twins 6.4# white doeling w/ear wattles (Pearl) 7.7# buckling w/neck wattles (Jack) 8/8/23 Bred to LOKI Ultrasound Unclear 9/24/23 Ultrasound Unclear 10/1/23 11/14/23 Bred to WINCHESTER 2/4/24 OPEN
  | NKR# N21F0011LFR9 | White
Ask a question
7.7# buckling Twin to a FF

3/21/23 1st CD/T vaccine
19.5# 30 day wt. (ADG .39)
4/19/23 2nd CD/T vaccine
30.5# 60 day wt. (ADG .38)


Updated 7/16/2023